Law Firm Marketing Blog
Zahavian Legal Marketing35+ Law Firm Website Templates & Themes [Free – $99]
If you're looking to upgrade, refresh or launch a new website for your law firm, then we have compiled a list of the best legal and attorney-focused website designs available. We have split the list into 3 main categories, free templates and themes, whether WordPress...
Legal Marketing Statistics You Need to Know in 2020
Below is a list of curated statistics regarding law firm marketing. We've pruned over a number of studies. We have distilled a list of what we believe to be some of the most relevant and insightful statistics. Internet Marketing Search Engine Optimization In 2015, a...
SEO Guide for Lawyers: 23 Tips & Tactics to Win More Clients
You may or may not have engaged search engine optimization services for your business in the past. Many law firms that generate a ton of cases online do. Many more have been jaded or burned by SEO either from an agency that didn’t deliver or they went the DIY route...
13 Ways to Increase Law Firm Lead Conversion Rates
One of the least exciting areas of marketing is conversion rate optimization - the exercise of squeezing the most potential possible out of a website. The lawyer marketing industry is fiercely competitive and making some tweaks to a law firm’s website can help...
Law Firm SEO vs. PPC: Which Does Your Firm Need?
When it comes to law firm marketing, the internet proves to be an increasingly valuable channel for law firms to generate new leads and cases. With that said, internet marketing spans a wide range of channels and strategies on its own. Two of the largest strategies...